Kenjgewin Teg
In April of 1994 two organizations merged – the Wautebek Training Institute and Nda-Gkenjge-Gamig Educational Institute. The merger created a new organization that is now known as Kenjgewin Teg (KT). Kenjgewin Teg is committed to the provision of educational services that complement First Nation’s education delivery in meeting the needs of all learners in school and post-school programs. KT is a non-profit incorporated organization that serves a membership of eight First Nation communities: Aundeck Omni Kaning, Constance Lake, M'Chigeeng, Sagamok, Sheguiandah, Sheshegwaning, Whitefish River First Nation, and Zhiibaahasing First Nations. The KT began with five (5) staff and today has a complement of 18+ personnel, plus many contractual staff. KT's primary function is to provide educational initiatives to its member population of 6,800+ people.