FASD Program
The FASD Program is under the umbrella of the United Chiefs and Councils of Mnidoo Mnising Justice Program. It offers diversion, assessment, client and family support and case management for adults involved in the Justice system suspected of having fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or who have been diagnosed with FASD.
The FASD Program’s objective is to influence change in how the Justice system understands and responds to Indigenous adults affected by FASD, through education by information sharing, community workshops focusing on awareness and training opportunities.
The FASD Caseworker will:
- Arrange for individuals who have been identified as high risk to be assessed at the FASD clinic in Sudbury.
- Help individuals suspected of FASD navigate the Justice system.
- Provide advocacy for the family/caregiver and identify community supports.
- Provide FASD information to interested parties.
Clients are referred to the program. Any organization can refer a client to the FASD Justice Program. Referral sources can include: Police, Defence Counsel, Duty Counsel, Crown Attorney, Judge, Probation Officer, Indigenous Courtworker, community service providers, self-referral, family member or support person.
For more information about the FASD Justice Program, please contact:
Karen Corbiere-Genereux
FASD Program Worker
Phone: (705) 377-5307 ext. 216
Fax: (705) 377-5309
email: [email protected]